Book, Music, and Lyrics by
Richard O'Brien
Feb 27-March 22, 2025


Buy Tickets here!

Praise for New Line's 2002 Production

“New Line's Rocky Horror reminds us vividly of the emotional power actors can exert when they’re in the same room as their audience, even if they’re kidding around.”
– Judith Newmark, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“When it comes to challenging St. Louis theater audiences, to stretching them, exposing them to new stimuli, hardly anyone is in a class with Scott Miller. . . Rocky Horror will bring much-needed light and laughter to downtown.”
– Joe Pollack, KWMU-FM

“Scott Miller directs the New Line production with a grand sense of theater that showcases the campy wit of the musical.”
– Mark Bretz, Laude News

Let's do The Time Warp again!

New Line Theatre continues its 33rd season of wild, unpredictable, adult musical theatre, with the kind of show New Line was created for -- the hilarious, legendary rock musical THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW -- the original 1973 stage show, LIVE ONSTAGE at the Marcelle Theater, in the Grand Center Arts District. This production will be New Line Theatre's 99th show!

As the Culture Wars continue to escalate, ROCKY HORROR is as relevant today as it was in the early Seventies, a brilliantly creepy, wickedly funny satire that spotlights Americans' frequent cultural freak-outs, all told in the language of 1930s horror-sci-fi movies, 1950s "physique" magazines, and 1970s punk rock. This glam-punk celebration of the mad variety of human sexuality and gender is particularly timely right now.

The classic story follows the transgressive space explorer, Dr. Frank N. Furter, his fellow aliens, his Creature, and a few hapless humans, as they sing universally beloved songs like "The Time Warp," "Sweet Transvestite," "Science Fiction Double Feature," "Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me," "Dammit Janet," as well as songs that were cut from the classic cult film.

But ROCKY HORROR isn't just about goofy sex and self-expression. It’s about us. It’s about how clumsy and clueless America was during the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 70s – and again right now, in the face of all new sweeping cultural changes. This is a deceptively smart, insightful piece of social satire about a very weird, very interesting, very complicated time in America – and it holds lessons for us right now, here today, about how badly America always over-reacts to nearly everything, and how much happier we’d all be if we’d just stop doing that.

New Line's ROCKY HORROR cast includes Todd Schaefer (as Dr. Frank N. Furter), Rafael Da Costa (Brad Majors), Brittany Kohl (Janet Weiss), Bee Mecey (Riff Raff), Katie Orr (Magenta), Tori Shea Cole (Columbia), Zachary Thompson (The Creature), Christopher Strawhun (Eddie/Dr. Scott), and Chelsie Johnston (Narrator). The New Line production is directed by Scott Miller and Chris Moore, with choreography by Chelsie Johnston, music direction by Randon Lane, costume design by Erin Goodenough, lighting design by Jack Kalan, scenic design by Dr. Rob Lippert, and sound design by Ryan Day.

THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW runs Feb. 27-March 22, 2025, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, all at 8:00 p.m., at the Marcelle Theater, 3310 Samuel Shepard Drive, three blocks east of Grand, in the Grand Center Arts District. Single tickets for the show are on sale now.

The Rocky Horror Show contains adult language and content.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the original 1973 stage musical and is not meant to include audience participation. (That didn't begin till the film was released several years after the show debuted) We ask that our audiences do not throw anything or yell at the actors -- it's tough enough being an actor -- and enjoy the original stage musical as it was meant to be.

New Line last produced Rocky Horror in 2002. The Rocky Horror Show is produced by arrangement with Concord Theatricals, New York.

Want to explore more?
We recommend:

The original 1973 London cast album, the original 1974 Roxy (American) cast album, the film soundtrack, or the 1995 complete studio recording with Christopher Lee and Brian May

Artistic director Scott's Miller background notes on Rocky Horror, from his book Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and Musicals.

Artistic director Scott Miller on NPR's American Icon series, talking about The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The first production of The Rocky Horror Show in the 63-seat Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court Theatre in London

The DVD of the cult classic film version of Rocky Horror -- and the film opening Richard O'Brien wanted

The Rocky Horror Show vocal selections, including songs cut from the movie

The full screenplay for O'Brien's never produced film sequel to Rocky Horror, called Revenge of the Old Queen

The book Rocky Horror: Then & Now by David Evan and Scott Michaels


ROCKY HORROR runs Feb 27-March 22, 2025, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, all at 8:00 p.m., at the Marcelle Theater, 3310 Samuel Shepard Drive, three blocks east of Grand, in the Grand Center Arts District. Feb 27 is a preview.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for students/seniors for the preview; and $30 for adults and $25 for students/seniors for all other performances. To charge tickets by phone, call MetroTix at 314-534-1111 or visit the Fox Theatre box office or the MetroTix website.

DISCOUNTS: HIGH SCHOOL DISCOUNT: Any high school student with a valid school ID can get a $10 ticket for any performance, with the code word, posted only on New Line's Facebook page. COLLEGE FREE SEATS: Ten free seats for every performance, open to any college student with a valid student ID. EDUCATORS DISCOUNT: New Line offers all currently employed educators half price tickets on any Thursday night, with work ID or other proof of employment. MILITARY DISCOUNT: New Line offers all active duty military personnel half price tickets on any Thursday night, with ID or other proof of active duty status.

All offers not valid in connection with other discounts or offers, available only at the door, and subject to availability. All programs subject to change. New Line Theatre receives funding from the Regional Arts Commission and the Missouri Arts Council, with additional support from the Kranzberg Arts Foundation and the Grand Center Arts District.